Friday, October 30, 2009

What a month!

OK, we've all had those kinds of months, where things just don't happen they way you want them to. October was the month that our car was totaled due to some guy careening into it due to driving too fast in the rain. Karen has spent the past few weeks studying really hard for her GRE. We've had lots of condo meetings about the three big things that need to get done--soon before the main winter rains come! I'm sure there are other things that have happened in the past few weeks but I can't remember them.

But, the past few nights, Karen and I have ended our days reading a few(turning to many) strips from Calvin and Hobbes. It is my favorite comic strip of all time. When Karen came to America, she had in one of her suitcases her complete collection of Calvin and Hobbes books and we put them on a shelf for easy access whenever we need them. Just turning to a random page will turn both of us into laughing nutballs! In the 10th Anniversary book, the creator explained many of the strips and the meaning behind them. Some of the reasons were quite subversive! But anyway, reading the books have been a great way to end the past few days. Lots of laughter that makes the day drain away...Who can have a grumpy time when Calvin and Hobbes are giving out their insightful views of the world? Just look at the picture at the top again and try NOT to smile!