Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm Not a Very Good Sick Person

Chad would agree with that-too quickly-I might add. Yes, I'm a whiner and complainer. It' NOT fun being sick and there's no mistaking how I feel about it. Having a cold or flu always reminds me of those days in my childhood when I was asthmatic. So I guess that could explain why I revert to my childish or childlike behaviour whenever I start to cough and wheeze.

Since I've gotten sick, Chad has been trying to get me to drink lots orange juice. Which explains the gallon jug of Odwalla we got from Costco. My mom called me today and as soon as she heard my voice, she said, "No oranges or milk or fried food or anything cold!" Logically I know oranges are supposed to be good for me, but experience tells me to listen to my mother.

Both Chad and I have had a few rough nights of sleep because of my cough. On top of that, Chad's saying that I've started to snore. LOUD! Gasp! Poor Chad. I guess it makes sense because of the congestion I'm feeling in my chest, making me gasp for air. I feel guilty about waking Chad up "n" times in one night but Chad has really been sweet about it. I wonder how many of our neighbours I'm keeping awake. Just a few weeks ago, Chad and I were knocking at our young neighbours' door at about 3 am in the morning because we could hear every word being said in their condo. They were having a little party. It was so loud, there was no way we could sleep and so we decided to ask them nicely to keep it down.

I will continue making rice porridge with lots of ginger, avoid milk and citrus fruits, drink lots of water, continue to use my Beclo-asma inhaler and get better soon or WE may soon be getting that knock at OUR door.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Every year, after the Academy Awards, I like to take a few days 'off' from the world of movies. Then I start to get excited about movies that are coming out this year, especially the summer movies. The ones I'm most looking forward to are "Terminator: Salvation" and the new "Harry Potter" movie. Kind of looking forward to the new "Star Trek" movie. "Star Trek" movies have been very good in the past, but also rather horrible. The more I see of the upcoming version, the more I'm NOT looking forward to it. At first, I thought it would be great to take the whole "Star Trek" universe, shake it up a bit and see what happens. And J.J. Abrams has done a perfect job with TV's "Lost." I also thought his "Mission: Impossible 3" was very good. He's got a great way of telling a story that is usually better than most. But, the previews for the new "Star Trek" movie make it seem like "90210" in space and that sickens me. I hope I'm wrong and that it's just Paramount that is screwing it up. I'll still see it, but I doubt that I will wait in line for hours like I did with "Star Wars."

Yes, I waited a very long time for the last three "Star Wars" movies. And I loved every minute of waiting in 1999, 2002, and 2005. Plus, back in 1997 when the first three were re-released and way back in 1985 when Seattle was one of 10 cities to show the first three back-to-back. Back then, it was $10 for all three and I still have the ticket stub from the UA150, my most favorite movie theatre of all time. I waited in line for eight hours to buy tickets and another two afterwards before the doors opened. Aaaahhh...good times!

What brought all this up is that tonight, Karen was watching the beginning of the first "Lord of the Rings" movie on TNT. It was only the beginning of it, but watching it on TV was just too difficult because it was made to watch on a 68-foot long screen with THX, Dolby Digital sound and warm popcorn. Not on a small, square TV screen with commercials and logos covering it. I will always prefer going to a movie theatre but I know that won't always be possible, with the plans that Karen and I have for our future but even with a big screen TV and a home theatre sound system, it still won't be the same. When I go to Singapore in April, I'm hoping there will time for us to see a movie there since there wasn't time the last time I was there. Karen rarely saw movies in Singapore, she said, because she was either busy or couldn't find someone to go with. Well, I will always be available!

Scott and David are going to be joining us in Singapore for our wedding. I'm excited about going back there, and can't wait to see more of Singapore and Malaysia with Karen. Also, it will be interesting to see what David and Scott think of Singapore, the heat and the humidity. And the public transit system that is so easy to use and gets you most anywhere you want to be.

So, my calendar is getting rather full for the next six months. Singapore, Wedding, Bali, movies and SUMMER. I can't wait for Karen to see how beautiful Seattle can be during the summer. Warm to very warm days, picking berries, fresh fruit every day and relaxing time in the sun. I will have accumulated more vacation time by the end of summer, so we may plan a vacation for September or October. Karen really wants to go to Disneyworld and I haven't been there since the early 1980's so I would love to go back, too. That would definitely take all my vacation!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Comfort Food

I haven't been feeling well the last couple of days. First a scratchy throat, then a sore throat and then and itchy throat with the cough. Fish congee is what I long for, when I am sick like this. Congee is (in Chinese cooking) broth or porridge made from rice. So yesterday, I got lots of fresh ginger, cod, scallions and made myself a wonderful bowl of comfort.

Homemade fish congee

It was the first time I was making fish congee in a long while. Even a few Chinese I know don't like congee, so I wasn't quite sure how Chad would take to it. And what did Chad have for dinner? I suggested that he make himself some dinner, just in case. You can see what he had in the picture below. Those sausages are really spicy and one of my favourites.

Chad's dinner

The congee I made was delicious, though I think the texture has to be improved. I need to figure out how to get that wonderful smoothness of the rice porridge like at a few of the best restaurants. I did let Chad know though that he'd have to at least take a taste the next time I make some.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Step Closer to that Green Card

Yippee!!! We just got my Advance Parole document in the mail today. I need this 'permission to travel' document to be able to leave U.S. for the church wedding in Singapore in April. Actually leaving the U.S. would not have been a problem without the Advanced Parole. However, I would have been refused admission at the U.S. Port of Entry after my travels to Singapore, Malaysia and Bali. The K1 Fiance Visa that got me into the U.S. on September 10 last year is a one-time entry Visa and so while my application for Adjustment of Status (Green Card) is pending, the Advance Parole is necessary for any travel outside the U.S.

My Biometrics appointment at 9 am this Friday where my fingerprints will be recorded to bring me a step closer to getting my Employment Authorization Document and Adjustment of Status (Green Card).

Getting all the paperwork done to get me here and keep me here has been like navigating through a complicated maze. We are now on Step 21 and a half of a 22-step process. View the entire K1 Visa Process Flowchart here. A fair number of these steps involved paperwork on top of paperwork. The experience has probably made me a great consultant for anyone who needs to go through the whole "K1 Visa Journey".

We got all the paperwork done for the K1 Fiance Visa in February 2008, more paperwork, medical check-up, vaccinations and then the interview at the U.S. Embassy in Singapore in August, got the Visa which got me into the U.S. of A in September, got my social security number in October, got married in early November last year within the 90-day period, got the name changed on the social security card, got the paperwork done for the application for the adjustment of status (green card), employment authorization document and advanced parole by early December. We received the Notice of Action (NOA) for all three applications from the USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services) on December 16th 2008.

Now that I have my Advance Parole, I expect to get the Employment Authorization Document by the end of March. That means, in a just a few weeks, I'll be able to work, even if it's just part-time before going back to get my Masters degree.

Both Chad and I are looking forward to be as excited as we are now when I get that green card 3 months from now.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Step Up for Health

(click picture for full view)

Our lift or, since I'm here in Seattle Washington U.S.A., should I say elevator, has not been working for a couple of days now. As we wait for just the correct spare part to be ordered in, our dear old lift or elevator, will not be up and running till Tuesday, at the earliest. Yes, having to use the stairs these couple of days has been somewhat of a hellish experience for me. I find myself huffing and puffing more than I should as I climb. Just halfway up to our condo unit, I have to stop to catch my breath. It's four flights of stairs!

I remember the glory days when I used to take the stairs willingly. King Edward Hall hall was my home for four years when I was studying at the univerity in Singapore. There were these infamous 127 steps leading from the hall of residence to the National University Hospital. I remember those stairs as being really steep at parts and had an unfinished look to it.

My third year in the university was the year I decided to get fitter. I would run up and down these 127 steps repeatedly before taking a run or two around the campus. This was almost a daily routine and for non-sporty me, this was a really big deal. The memory of those days are so clear to me. Why then do the motivation and willpower I used to have elude me so these days?

It's just four flights, Karen! I will be taking the stairs more from now on.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson