Monday, June 21, 2010

Sleepless Nights: Epilogue

It's been a week now since our invader first arrived. Karen and I laughed about it when it was overwith on Wednesday but while it was going on, we had no idea what would happen next. When we tell the story to friends and family, we smile at the fact that what we were doing to keep IT out was actually keeping IT in! One thing we don't always say, but can provide a good background at why we were initially freaked out about this whole incident: The former owner of this house had two rotten girls who grew up to be unruly, morally-questionable women. Even now, we get letters from local police and vice departments. Neighbors have told us horror stories of what they were like. Then, just before the Sleepless Nights began, Karen had two incidents of cars stopping on the road right in front of our house and the people inside just looking this direction. Were they the former daughters just checking up on their old home? Or, maybe they were ex-boyfriends looking for a fight...

We haven't seen that cat since it left Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. We looked around the house to see if it had left any piles or puddles but didn't find anything. We did finally see some faint pawprints in the bathtub closest to the bedroom he was staying in. Smart kitty, using the bathtub! One other note, when Karen and I each searched the house Tuesday morning, we both noticed that the rug in that bathroom had been ruffled up but we each thought the other had done it and didn't mention it until Wednesday. Funny!

I wonder what our next event will be in our new home?