I got sick in the early part of November. I was at work, in a meeting. About halfway through it, I could feel my body just 'shthlump.' I went from feeling fine and happy to chilled and droopy. At least there were only four more hours of work and then my weekend. I spent most of the next day either in bed or on a chair watching TV. Karen took care of me, making meals. After another day, it was time to get back to living; there were many things left to do around the house and the first winter snowstorm was on the way. I needed to bring many wheelbarrow loads of bark dust to the back yard and spread it over the garden, do some weeding, rake the fallen leaves...I probably pushed myself a bit too hard, but I have to admit, it sure felt good being outside. Then, when the snow fell over the next two days, I could feel that I got things done. A few days later, I was still coughing and a bit hoarse, but now Karen was the one feeling sick. Now, she's bottomed out, feeling really bad, taking medicine and getting restless nights of sleep. I'm still coughing after more than two weeks, but not too often. I sure wish Karen would start to feel better. I could tell this morning that she at least wasn't getting any worse--she started flipping me some attitude during breakfast! Yippee! My loving Karen is scratching her way back from the depths of illness! Hopefully it won't take much longer and Karen will be smiling again...