Friday, January 30, 2009

NIA (pronounced nee-ah)

For me, a workout really needs to be so much fun that I forget just how much work it is. In Singapore, my favourite workout was kickboxing. In my most fanatical days, I went for classes 4-5 times a week until I hurt both my knees. Pretending to kick someone in their groin, tummy and chest can really be empowering! And a lot of fun and a celebration of girl-power!

After months without a gym membership here in Seattle, I was really itching and needing a fun workout. When Susanne invited me for a NIA class, I really had never heard of it but was curious. On Wednesday, Susanne and I went to a class. I wasn't really sure what NIA was except from what Susanne told me. It's really fun workout and it involves dance. I searched the web and found out that NIA stands for Neuromuscular Integrative action and is described as a unique blending of the fluidity and focus of Tai Chi and yoga, the grace and spontaneity of modern dance, and the energy and explosiveness of martial arts and that it boosts both physical and emotional well-being. Sounds good and I was looking forward to giving it a try. I was not disappointed. Everybody there was really friendly and I felt more comfortable almost immediately. I was the only first-timer and it showed! That did not bother me at all. It was such a joyful workout and I really felt encouraged to feel free. It did not have the intensity of kickboxing but I could feel my muscles I had forgotten. More importantly, the good feeling lasted long after the workout. I am really looking forward to trying NIA again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Karen, good for you and your efforts at work-outs.
So glad Susane has introduced you to so much fun for yourself and Susane. Can't remember how to spell her name. Your comments on everything is so much fun to read. Thanks for doing this and showing me how to respond. Aunty Mave