Monday, February 9, 2009

Gone to the Movies

On Thursday morning, I woke up, got on the computer and went on to Roger Ebert's blog and read his latest piece. It was not the norm for me to be reading Ebert's journal but here I was, reading...

Ebert: I was watching Tony Scott on the Charlie Rose program, and he said, in connection with "The Reader," that he was getting tired of so many movies about the Holocaust. I didn't agree or disagree. What I thought was, "The Reader" isn't about the Holocaust. It's about not speaking when you know you should.

That really got me interested to read more. Like Ebert, I thought to myself, "This is something I'm guilty of". I continued reading Ebert's piece until I saw the words-"Spoilers will follow". You see, we were going to watch 'The Reader' that very afternoon. I must have paused just for a moment before reading on. It was such a thought-provoking piece!

Then Chad, Ebert's No. 1 fan and a loyal follower of his writing, woke up. I told him "Ebert has written a really great piece this morning but don't read it yet!"

If you have already watched, intend to watch or even plan to skip 'The Reader' altogether, go and read Roger Ebert's piece here. The insightful analysis of the movie really makes you think.

With 'The Reader', Chad and I had finally watched all the movies nominated for the Oscars 'Best Picture' award.

This is a definite FIRST for me. Never before have I managed to watch ALL the movies nominated for 'Best Picture' BEFORE the 'The Oscars' award ceremony.

Here they are-the nominees for Best Picture and my 2 cents on each of them.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
Has a 'Forrest Gump' feel. Phenomenal cinematography. Great movie but I'm surprised by the 13 Oscar nominations especially since Clint Eastwood's 'Gran Torino' was completely overlooked.

Slumdog Millionaire
Here is where Chad's opinion and mine are at opposite poles. I thought the first half of the movie was the best part and Chad did not enjoy the movie until the second half. Go watch this!

I liked the movie. Powerful perfomances but I'd be surprised if it won 'Best Picture'.

Sean Penn's performance is awe-inspiring. I liked the movie a lot.

The Reader
It's a wonderful movie,though I would not put my money on it for 'Best Picture'. I would like to invite you, once again, to watch the movie and then read Ebert's piece on it. Alternatively, you may want to read the piece first before you watch the movie. I was able to get so much more from this movie because of it. Reader comments are also well worth a read.

Have yourself some great days at the movies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Karen, Your comments on the five nominated movies
is charming and I enjoy the fact that you were such a good partner for Chad. He has waited many years to share is enjoyment of movies and especially critiquing
the final five for The Oscar. He also is pleased that you will be watching as he can't be there that night.
I too enjoyed Ebert's insightful review of The Reader.
I actually thought you missed one of the movies, "Doubt: but went back and counted and realized that Doubt was not picked for an Oscar for best Movie.