Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Singapore church wedding to-do list

I'm now officially a month behind on my restarting the wedding planning for the Catholic church ceremony in Singapore. After editing and packing my life up in Singapore and moving to Seattle in September, I was kept busy with a wedding shower going for trips, immigration paperwork and planning for the November wedding here in Seattle. We then got married and then was the honeymoon followed by more immigration paperwork. After Thanksgiving, I said to myself, "I'll start seriously planning for the Singapore ceremony once the new year starts." Christmas came and went and New Year's crept on by. I have not done one thing to advance those wedding plans and I am starting to panic. Take a deep breath, Karen! The following are just mudane details so you should quit reading here but I'm going to go ahead and think 'aloud' to see just how much needs to be done.

Date and Venue?
Set! 18th April at St. Francis Xavier Church. To get married in a Catholic church couples must either go for a marriage preparation course (M.P.C.) of Engaged Encounter (E.E.). Chad and I went for our E.E. when I visited him in June and have the certificate to prove it. We also have to go through a Pre-Nuptual Inquiry and fill up a form. I already did my part in Singapore but we still need to get Chad to do his part here at a local Catholic church. We have yet to do this and must do this within the next 4 weeks.
Final deadline for for completing Pre-Nuptual Inquiry : Feb 28th

Invitations and Guest List?
The invitations are printed and ready. I have already have a list of names and addresses but still incomplete. I have already invited people verbally. Yikes! The invitations are supposed to be sent 2 months before but I'm going to have to send it 5 weeks before. My mom and dad has to give me their list too.
Final deadline for complete list: Feb 28th.
Final deadline to send out invitations: March 7th.

Reception and cake?
Lunch reception at the church. Have already contacted caterers but have not confirmed. Have to do so A.S.A.P. My mom is arranging for the cake and I need to get/make cupcakes too.
Final deadline: Feb 10th.

Done! Need to send email to double check that he remembers. Need to also send him the photographer's list of locations and shotsDeadline: Feb 10th

Mass booklets?
I have a draft copy of the mass booklet but have not finalised it or found anything about printing themDeadline: March 14th

Bridal attire and makeup?
Both Chad and I a getting double duty of what we wore here but may need to get one of those 'double veils'. Will be able to get one in Malaysia or Singapore or do without. I've already booked make-up artist and need to send email or SMS to double confirm. I have not informed the bridal party what colours they should wear. Or maybe I shall just go with anythingDeadline: March 14th

Nothing done about the flowers. This could possibly be arranged when I get to Singapore a good 3 weeks before the wedding.

Organist, Lectors, Choir, Mass booklets?
No organists is lined up yet. I have a draft copy of the mass booklet but have not finalised it or found anything about printing them. I have a couple of lectors in mind and a few singers but will need to delegate a few friends to help me get more people. Florence, I need your help!Deadline: March 14th

Date has not been firmed up yet. How am I going to do all this from here?Deadline: March 14th

These is just the beginning of the to-do list. Writing all these down has put a pit inside my stomach. Probably a good thing because I needed the kick-start. After the November wedding, I slipped into a willing amnesia about just how much work went into the planning and now it all starts all over again. I'm sure this list will grow. In fact, I think I'm going to start a whole new blog just for wedding planning and such. Remember to try to have fun with this, Karen.


Karen and Chad said...

Good thing you've got a great now/future husband who can help you when you need it!

Anonymous said...

Karen, your long list of things sound organized and as you stand ready to begin, remember how much did when you were still in Singapore and miles and miles away. You can do it and it will fun and different from the SEattle experience. Maeve