Saturday, May 30, 2009


We went to see Pixar's latest movie yesterday- "Up" in 3-D! Just before the movie, Chad came home from the grocery store and surprised me with.... (look at photo below).

I just love helium filled balloons. Not those shiny mylar ones though, which are not really balloons to me. And balloons without the floating factor are nice but don't hold my interest.

My earliest memory is, like for many, I suspect, when I lost one as it floated out of my 5 year-old hands and into the blue blue skies. I remember chasing after it but it was quickly blown away by the wind. That first experience did not sour my feelings about floating balloons though. I love them and hope someday I can go up in one of those hot-air balloons, just like the old Mr. Carl Fredrerickson in his house with his thousands of helium filled balloons (watch movie below).

Click here for direct link at Youtube.

That night, Chad tied my balloons to my bedside table. They were happily floating high above. Then I woke up in the middle of the night and saw them still floating but barely so and when I woke up, they were looking just a little bit sad on the floor. I guess their short floating life is part of what makes the balloons so special. I find myself ignoring the most beautiful silk flowers but appreciating fresh flowers before they fade away-seizing the moments to enjoy them while they last.

Click here for an interesting blog entry
that ties the movie "Up" to Seattle's urban legend Edith Macefield.


maeve Ross said...

Karen, I did not know you had such a fondness for balloons. What a great sign of your playfulness and delight. I like the fact that you joined Chad in seeing this movie on the first day it opened. Chad has such a passion for Pixar movies and stated this was the best movie so far this calendar year. I love the picture of you on the blog with the balloons. Obviously Chad took the picture, tell him it is great. Aunty Maeve.

Karen and Chad said...

For the same reasons, I love soap bubbles. They're shiny, they float, and then they pop and gone forever, all within a few seconds. What's there not to love?

I had wanted to include them in our backyard garden wedding which was to be in Aunt Cathy's last September. But alas, a September wedding was not to be because of IMMIGRATION.
