Saturday, May 30, 2009

Becoming 'Legal'

From the USCIS website:
A "green card" gives you official immigration status (Lawful Permanent Residency) in the United states.

So here's where I'm at as far as being 'legal' here in the U.S.

Chad and I went for the initial interview for my application for permanent residence last Thursday (21st May). My memory is a bit fuzzy on the questions we were asked. I think basically the questions were very much like the ones I had for the interview for the Fiance (K1) Visa in August last year: How did you meet? How did the relationship progress? ...and so on. I was also asked if I was already working. In fact, I have not yet been able to work because I am still missing the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) and when I informed the interviewer about this, she checked on my application on her computer, she found that I've been APPROVED for the EAD. Since FEBRUARY!!!

She then asked us to check at the information counter because we never did receive the document in our mail. The interview continued and we showed her a bunch of evidence to show that we have a bona fide marriage.

Just when I thought everything was going smoothly with the interview, she asks about my middle name and why I had dropped it and indicated that this might be a problem when or if I wanted to apply for naturalization (US citizenship) down the road. To make a long story short, we had to decide on the spot to change my name on the green card to avoid having to legally change my name on my Malaysian passport. This means, however, that I will have to backtrack and have my name changed on at least 3 documents here in the US-social security card, state ID card and my bank accounts, after spending considerable time to get those documents in the first place.

As for the outcome of the interview, we were told that the decision of whether I've been approved or not will come after the 'final review'. If everything goes the way it's supposed to, the application should be approved and we should expect something in the mail within a month.

Which brings us back to the question-What has happened to that EAD? As suggested, Chad and I went to the information counter expecting to get answers. We did not get any answers but were told we needed to arrange an appointment and to do so we had to get to such and such website. Harrummph!!

We get home, I get on the computer, arrange an appointment, the earliest being a week away (which was last Thursday, 28th May), we go back to the USCIS Seattle Field Office in Tukwilla, pay ANOTHER $6 for parking, ask the question, the guy at the counter makes a phonecall and finds out yes, I've been approved, yes, since February but...

We find out my Biometrics (which I did in February) was only linked to my I-485 (Immigration speak for my green card/PR application) and not my I-765 (Immigration speak for my EAD application). The Biometrics data should have been linked to both. So they linked my Biometrics up to my I-765 and the guy at the booth said he was 99% sure, though he would not stake his life on it (his words) that we will be getting my EAD in 10-14 days. We are counting...

So what has this done about my confidence level about receiving that green card in good time, without any problems? I can only say I HOPE everything will go smoothly. I need to have everything I require to be 'legal' here to really rest easy and go on the the next phase in making Seattle my home.


maeve Ross said...

Karen, I did not know you had such a fondness for balloons. What a great sign of your playfulness and delight. I like the fact that you joined Chad in seeing this movie on the first day it opened. Chad has such a passion for Pixar movies and stated this was the best movie so far this calendar year. I love the picture of you on the blog with the balloons. Obviously Chad took the picture, tell him it is great. Aunty Maeve.

maeve Ross said...

Karen, also thanks for the effort to try and sort out all the immigration difficulties. So many delays and unkept promises. Don't loose hope, eventually all will be ok. Aunty Maeve