Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I can see that Karen is getting serious about completing projects now. When I came home from work tonight, she said "SSSHHH!!" and put up her hand to quiet me. She was in the middle of a thought and just could not be disturbed in case she lost concentration.

The two of us have many things to do over the next six months. First of all, Karen needs to finish her college application by Thursday and she is trying to write her personal essay. She is really good at so many things, but she admits writing (or talking) about herself does not come naturally for her. We also are putting our condo up for sale, so we need to start packing our 'stuff' and clearing out anything we won't need for the forseeable future. We need to de-clutter as much as possible, so there go 99% of our books, CDs, DVDs, clothes, and most of our dishes and furniture. So, we need to pack up and store it. We want our 525 square feet to look as big as possible! Plus, we need to buy a car as ours was totaled last October. We also need to look for a house to buy that will be our home for the next, say, 10 years--if not forever. I like to say we've got six months of work to do in the next 30 days. What has prevented us from getting started is that around Christmas, we both got sick and are just now starting to get the strength and will to accomplish these things.

Good luck to both of us!

1 comment:

maeve Ross said...

I have read your last posted blog entry several times and enjoy the upbeat sound of all the things you both have ahead for yourselves and the changes that are happening. Enjoy this time even as it brings some stress as change always does. Aunty Maeve