Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gran Torino

Karen and I have been catching up on recent movies over the past few weeks. After seeing "Doubt" on Christmas Eve, we've tried to see at least one movie each week. I've always loved seeing movies and it is so nice to have someone to share them with. And since so many Academy-caliber movies come out in December, it can take a while to go through them all. Then, with the Nominations last week, the clock was ticking to see them before February 22nd. We've seen most of the nominated movies but the one I liked most, and Karen did, too, was "Gran Torino." Clint Eastwood in one of his best roles and one of the best movies of 2008. Then, the Oscar Nominations came out and...nothing. How can that be? Sure, "Benjamin Button" is a good movie, but certainly not THAT good! And "Slumdog Millionaire" was inspiring, but I still have trouble seperating the reality from the movie. But, "Gran Torino" not getting a single nomination ranks up there with "Gandhi" winning over "E.T." for Best Picture. I felt that Clint Eastwood would win for Best Actor; as sure of it as I am that Meryl Streep will win for "Doubt." All we really have left to see before the Oscars are the two Kate Winslet movies, "The Reader" and "Revolutionary Road."

Karen and I have gone to a few different movie theatres. My favorites in the Seattle are are definitely the Cinerama theatre and the Lincoln Square Cinemas. Both DO NOT show commercials which is very important to me. Both have great sound systems and screens which are the MOST important to me and the Cinerama has a THX sound system which makes it the best in Seattle. Plus, the popcorn at the Lincoln Square is among the best I've ever had--and it is consistently good! Other theatres we've been to belong to the Landmark theatre chain. Funky theatres all, with a wonderful Seattle history, and they play movies that the main theatre chains won't play plus I love their popcorn! And we both like the Majestic Bay theatre in the Ballard neighborhood, another locally owned theatre that is nice to go to. Plus, it is next door to Cupcake Royale, which Karen has prohibited me from visiting since our wedding.

The Northgate Theatre was my favorite theatre when we first moved to Seattle in 1981. I saw so many movies there! It's too bad that the really huge movie theatres can't exist anymore except in the biggest cities, but at least I have my memories. Some of my favorite: 1500 people screaming during "Raiders of the Lost Ark"; falling out of my seat when laughing during "Ferris Buellors Day Off"; the whole theatre going nuts when Rocky finally gets that powerful right-hook to land on Ivan Drago in "Rocky IV."

Well, here's to the upcoming Oscar Awards! This is the first year in a very long time that I won't have the day off from work to watch them because I'm saving all my accrued vacation for our wedding trip to Singapore in April.


letti said...

hiya guys. The hubs and I had also been catching up on the nominated movies, and we were very sorely disappointed that Clint was snubbed at the Oscars. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Chad, so many memories and places. The movies are truly something you enjoy and now even more with Karen. You did seem to mention the Guild 45th and other local theaters in the U District. Have they lost standing in your mind. I love your reviews of the movies and the theaters and the food. You are so good at this. Mom