Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Bags are Packed...

As much as I love travelling and experiencing new places, I hate the packing and unpacking. In 2002, I backpacked with a couple of friends around Turkey. I must have had the largest, most overstuffed backpack of the bunch and that did not do MY back any favors. Looking back to even earlier days when I hiked up to Mount Ophir with too heavy a backpack just because I had to make sure I had everything I needed or might need, in case of this or that. I remember thinking over and over again, as I struggled up the mountain, "Do I REALLY need this sleeping bag?"

I will probably never be a light traveller. This time, I have a good reason for my two large check-ins, a carry-on and my knapsack. I'll be away for 5 weeks and I have to pack a wedding dress, 4 pairs of shoes, goodies for friends and colleagues, candy for the reception table, among many many things I absolutely need or MAY need.

As I head for my other homes, Singapore and Malaysia. I wonder how different I will feel about Singapore as my home now that I have sold the flat that I have called home for many years. My parents moved from the small town I grew up in, Batu Pahat, to Malacca, where THEY grew up in the Portuguesse Settlement about a year ago. Although I never spent a lot of time in Malacca, being at my parents' home does feel like home. It may be a different house but it has the same feel of the home I grew up in Batu Pahat. Perhaps it's the combination of familiar people and furniture.

As I write this, I have mixed feelings about my travels. I am looking forward to seeing family and friends and having all my favourite food. I know I will also miss my home here. When I have to leave Singapore and Malaysia to come back to Seattle at the end of the 5 weeks, I am sure I'll be having the very same mix of emotions.


Karen and Chad said...

Chad responds:
In a way, it's good that Karen goes before me. How often do you get to have that backup person who can bring the things that you forgot? I'm anticipating at least THREE phone calls of, "Oh, my goodness. I forgot (something) and I need you to bring it with you, my wonderful perfectly patient Chad. How could I survive this trip without your help?" So I need to remember to save space in MY bags for some additional (somethings).

Elliott Bay Recording Company said...

And when you leave, I'll have my bags for some of your stuff!!


Anonymous said...

Karen, you are so full of emotion and events keep crowding into you head...but please get well and be happy. Enjoy this time and bring back memories, pictures, and smiles. I am waiting for you. Aunty Maeve